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发表时间:2024-06-21 08:35:52 0

尔湾,南加州 – 2024年6月21日 – 今天,光谱教育邀请到了Chris老师带来了精彩的美国历史与地理公益分享讲座。通过从微观到宏观的讲解,Chris老师带领学生们深入了解美国的历史和地理,探索了影响美国当代文化和政府职能的关键历史事件。讲座过程中,来自不同国家的学生们专注聆听,并踊跃参与讨论,与Chris老师积极互动。





Irvine, California – June 21, 2024 – Today, Spectrum Education invited Chris Pelletier to lead on a lecture on U.S. history and geography. With a dynamic approach that moved from micro to macro perspectives, Chris captivated students from around the world, helping them explore significant historical events that have shaped contemporary American culture and government functions. Students were deeply engaged, actively participating in discussions with Chris throughout the session.


With 25 years of experience teaching American and World History, Chris Pelletier has served as a judge for CCTV’s National English Speech Competition and is a published science fiction author. This summer, he will also be offering online courses on World History and Geography, open to students globally, providing a comprehensive learning experience.

The lecture provided insights into America’s diverse landscapes, natural resources, regions, and local histories, fostering an understanding of the origins of American spirit and culture. Chris’s presentation offered students a profound look into America’s past and present, enriching their knowledge for future academic and cultural pursuits.