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学生们在The Sheepfold圣诞礼物派发活动中担任志愿者

发表时间:2024-12-16 16:40:53 0

加州布雷亚市 — 学生们在位于Brea Mall的The Sheepfold圣诞义工活动中担任志愿者,协助派发并签收节日礼物,为需要帮助的妇女和儿童送去温暖与关怀。

The Sheepfold成立于1979年10月,为无家可归、遭受虐待的妇女及其子女提供庇护、安全和重新开始的机会。自成立以来,已有数千人向该组织的寻求帮助。



Brea, CA— Our students joined The Sheepfold’s Christmas volunteer initiative at the Brea Mall, assisting in distributing and signing off holiday gifts for women and children in need.

The Sheepfold, established in October 1979, provides shelter, safety, and new beginnings for homeless and abused women and their children. Since its founding, thousands of individuals have found refuge and renewed hope through the organization’s programs.

This volunteer experience offered an opportunity to directly support families by spreading joy during the holiday season. “Helping to distribute gifts was both humbling and rewarding,” said one of the students.